Reading a Card

All gift card transactions in standalone mode begin with reading the card, whether by scanning or swiping the card or by manually entering the card number.  The methods available to read the card depend on your payment terminal and the input methods configured for the Freebees app. The available input methods are:

After the terminal reads the card and verifies the card with the authorization server, the terminal returns one of two possible results:

Error Message

Error message

Valid Card

Valid card

To scan a gift card:

  1. Take the gift card from the client.
  2. Turn the card over to display the bar code printed on the back.  
    Admin button
  3. In the Freebees app, touch the Scan button.
    Scan button
  4. Position the terminal so the green cross is over the card's bar code. 
    Admin button

To swipe a gift card:

  1. Take the gift card from the client.
  2. In the Freebees app, touch the Swipe button.
    Swipe button
  3. Swipe the card through the terminal's magnetic strip reader as shown on the terminal screen.
    Swipe example

To manually enter the gift card number:

  1. Take the gift card from the client.
  2. Turn the card over to display the card number printed on the back. 
    Admin button
  3. In the Freebees app, touch the Manual Entry button.
    Manual entry button
  4. On the Enter card number screen, use the keypad to enter the card number and then touch OK.
    Manual card entry screen 






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