Disable Tipping Threshold

If you do not want to require the Merchant password for manual tip percentages that exceed the terminal's threshold, you can disable the tipping threshold.

Note Icon

NOTE: The tip threshold feature is designed to protect the customer and the merchant by ensuring that the customer is fully aware of the tip they are leaving. If you disable the threshold, you leave yourself at risk of the customer contesting the charge if they do not remember leaving the tip. The Merchant password requirement provides protection from future chargebacks.

To disable the tipping percentage threshold:

  1. From the main screen, touch the Menu button.
    Menu button
  2. Enter the merchant password and touch Confirm.
  3. Scroll to the Configure application section.
  4. Touch Terminal options.
  5. Scroll to the Tips section.
  6. Touch Tip threshold.
    Tipping percentage threshold
  7. On the Tip threshold screen, toggle the Tip threshold switch to the left.
    Disable tip threshold
  8. If you have more than one terminal, repeat steps 1 to 7 for each additional terminal where you want to disable the tipping threshold.